Thank you for being part of GNU Solidario

GNU Solidario is a non-profit organization with a worldwide mission to advance and deliver Social Medicine. We fight for the freedom and dignity of human and non-human animals.

We deliver sustainable solutions for the betterment of our society.

Our Projects:

GNU Health

GNU Health

GNU Health has improved the lives of millions around the globe .

Over the last decade, GNU Health has provided state-of-the-art health informatics to organizations and governments at no cost. Hospital Information Systems, Laboratory Management and large federated health database across countries.

GNU Health is independent and transparent. No hidden lines of code, no hidden agenda.

GNU Solidario - Animal Rights

Rompiendo Cadenas: Animal Rights

We fight for the rights and dignity of any animal, human and non-human. If we want to evolve as a society (and avoid extinction), we need to be compassionate and respectful to those around us, independently of the species.

GNU Solidario collaborates with sister organizations, public administrations and academic instutions at a local, national and European level. From advocacy workshops to the development, revision and improvement of the animal rights and protection laws.

The Global Exposome Project

The Global Exposome Project takes a holistic approach to the effect of environment on living organisms as a whole. We investigate the anthropogenic effect on epidemics and environmental health, educating the community with scientific evidence.

We promote and work on ethical, open, human relevant biomedical research, that excludes animal cruelty.

Your contribution keeps us independent and our projects sustainable.

Thank you again for being part of GNU Solidario and making a better society.

Luis Falcon
Founder and president

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